The deadline for the first online art show at Art For Homeschool is approaching soon. The deadline is May 1. If you are a homeschool student and would like to show your stuff then join in the fun! We would love to have you. Here are previous posts that explain how to join the AFH Flickr Group and guidelines for entering the show:
Would You Like to Join the Art For Homeschool Flickr Group?
The First Art For Homeschool Art Show
Any two dimensional art work can be entered in the show. Two dimensional means it is flat like a drawings, paintings, collage or photograph. Hopefully as the show grows we will have enough entries to place the artwork in different categories so that a painting will not be competing against a drawing, and so on. But right now everything will be lumped in together.
The theme for the May show is “My Favorite Things”. So what could you do for this theme? Well, you might gather all your favorite things together and make a still life. A still life is most often artwork showing a collection of common things around the house. Many people like to make a still life with flowers, but you can actually use any item you wish.
Yesterday I spent the day taking photographs of several still life collections I plan to paint. The items in the still life are roses, an old antique box, and vertebrae from a cow. Not a typical choice of items, but something I was interested in. You can click here to go to Wikipedia and read more on what a still life is.
You may enter two pieces of artwork in the art show. So, you might want to do a drawing and a painting, or a painting and a photograph, or whatever combination you wish. Parents of homeschoolers are also allowed to enter the show. They will not be in the running for awards though.
If your artwork is one of the ones to win an award the artwork will be showcased on Art For Homeschool. I will email you to let you know and try to get a little bit of information about you to include with your artwork. The awards will be announced May 15. So get busy getting those entries ready! I look forward to seeing them.